
Patient Tour

There’s no better mouthpiece to advertise your clinic than your own patients. When done the right way, the voice of a previous/current patient recanting their experience at your aesthetic clinic creates a sense of empathy in prospective viewers that really increases their chances of becoming paying clients.

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Beautiara Global Beauty Clinic

Beautiara Global Beauty Clinic is a subsidiary of Beautiara corp- one of the top plastic surgery clinics in Korea. Looking to expand its brand on an international level, the cosmetic beauty giant set its sights on the city of Vancouver. Despite its efforts to rebranded its service to appeal to the city, Beautiara still got off to a slow start in Vancouver. Chobee enabled the company to pick up the pace.

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With a less than ideal location on the fourth floor of an office tower adjacent to a shopping centre, the Clinic was struggling for awareness and sought to create recognition of not only its new location but to tap into the prestige of the 10-year reputation of its parent company in Korea.



Chobee saw that it would be necessary to create an ‘equipment/services translation’ for the Clinic for marketing purposes. In Canada, the names of common services and equipment used are marketed under different names in Korea. To create familiarity and confidence in clinic patrons, it was necessary to re-brand the services offered at the Clinic using western brand names and terminology.


As Korean-style Skin Management is very involved in prevention as compared to the Western approach which is concerned with fixes after-the-fact, it was essential to create a desire in potential clients of the value in preventative procedures


Korean skincare maintenance demonstrations were placed for Chinese community exposure via strategic KOL Editorial Moments.


The creation of video demonstrations and WeChat Marketing led to the Clinic receiving over 125
enquiries with an ongoing conversion rate of approximately 25%
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