
How to wear mask

Create a sales video that is unique to only you. Whether it’s your story, location, mode/type of treatment you offer, etc, our team will learn more about your clinic and create a video (or series of videos) made solely for your brand to tell your customers why you’re the right fit for their next cosmetic treatment. Original creation videos are a great tool for achieving specific goals for your clinic.


Photography - Product with model

Midtown Medical Midtown Medical

Photography - Product with model

Midtown Medical Midtown Medical

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Prollenium is a Canadian medical technology company that provides various skincare products to cosmetic & aesthetic practitioners. Chobee helped Prollenium effectively market its new line of products- Revanesse Skin- to the Chinese market in Vancouver

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Revanesse skin is a nutrient-concentrated facial mask that enables skin rejuvenation. Prollennium was looking to market this product to Canada’s Asian community and required professional assistance in doing so.



For a visual element, we took crisp, high definition photos of newly treated patients to showcase the aftermath of the Revanesse skin treatment.

WeChat Marketing

To promote the Revanesse Skin online, we advertised these before and after photos on WeChat, the most popular social media network for Vancouver’s Asian community Each photo had a compelling story to breathe life into the experience.

Event Speaking

To promote the product offline, Revanesse skin was advertised at various medical events and conferences which we attended during that period.


Prollenium received about 20,000 impressions as well as immediate orders and inquiries from BC after the implementation of our advertising plan. Over the course of just 1 month, over 100 boxes of Revanesse skin were sold directly from our marketing plan.