
Patient Tour

There’s no better mouthpiece to advertise your clinic than your own patients. When done the right way, the voice of a previous/current patient recanting their experience at your aesthetic clinic creates a sense of empathy in prospective viewers that really increases their chances of becoming paying clients. Chobee’s team of media experts will create a video to achieve this objective.


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Pain Clinic Website Screenshot
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Pain Clinic Website Screenshot

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The Pain Clinic

The pain clinic was founded by Dr Dima Rozen and specializes in treating patients with a variety of pain issues. Their website was doing a less than stellar job of marketing their services due to poort search engine optimization and the site not being very user friendly. Chobee helped the pain clinic to upgrade its website, achieving astronomical results.

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The Pain Clinic was looking for an effective way to showcase- long-term- their in-demand Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment which is not covered by OHIP. While the clinic had an existing website that operates to provide information on the team, the location, and services, it was not very user-friendly, not effectively coded for SEO, and was difficult to upgrade.



Chobee created a video to demonstrate the PRP Treatment process, with Dr. Rozen administering the treatment to a relatable patient. Educating potential patients with the details of the treatment is important to Dr. Rozen as he is not only a physician but a healer.


Chobee created a dedicated website URL that incorporated only the key service term ‘PRP’ and the location of Toronto. With the URL containing the two most searched terms for the treatment; our development team was able to ensure it would rank high with Google. The website also features a dedicated booking system and web form which offers the inquirer the option of adding as much or as little information as they feel comfortable with.


The new website, with its customized URL, recently achieved a 99% Alexa rating after three months of going live.
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